Sunday, July 3, 2016

Friday, July 1 - Last day

Our last full day dawned as most of them have - warm, sun getting ready to shine bright, street cleaners and shop keepers getting things organized for the day, and joggers and dog walkers passing by on the walkway between us and the ocean. Periodic buzzing of scooters punctuating the soft silence of morning.

I'm writing this on Sunday morning, after we're back in Westport, so my memory may not be perfect. However, everyone up reasonably early. Leila, Tim and Blair in for a morning dip. Tim thinking about our almost empty gas tank and concerned we should go searching for fuel so we get back early enough to find a good parking spot near our apartment. Leila and Deana want to explore the white pebbly beach at the west end of Altea, so Tim and Blair offer them a ride out there on their way for fuel. Drop them off near the beach with the promise we'd look for them once we're all gassed up.

The search for fuel turned out being a little more adventurous than we had thought. Blair thought we should head in the general direction of Benidorm to have the best chance of finding fuel soon before running out completely. One road led to another until we found ourselves actually in downtown Benidorm, the realm of the very tall buildings. Now we're a littler concerned...running on vapors and finding ourselves deeper and deeper into the bowels of an alien gas stations in site. We eventually head in a direction we think is out of town, pull over to the curb and Blair gets out to inquire within a small shop while Tim cools his heals in the car. Blair eventually emerges stating that the guy said to keep going the direction we were already headed and we'd stumble on diesel. Google Girl had been no help at all, suggesting the nearest place was 47K away.

Sure enough, a fuel station appeared on our right and we pulled up. We were surrounded by unnaturally tall buildings for such a tropical-like place.

All dieseled up, we headed back to Altea in hopes of finding the women before they had walked all the way back to the apartment. We were too late. Leila and Deana had had a nice time at the beach and were puttering around the apartment when we returned.

The rest of the day was relaxed, with some Eucher, which Deana and Blair won AGAIN! A last swim, some preliminary packing for our departure the next morning, and finally dressing for our final evening fling...walk up to Old Town for last minute gift shopping and dinner on the roof of the Indian restaurant. Many of the shops weren't open yet...another example of the Spaniards getting things rolling later in the day than we were used to, particularly in this mountain-top Altea Old Town, where the fun just begins after 7:00 pm. 

Tim and Blair camped out at one of the cafes on the square while Leila and Deana checked out the shops that were open. A giant truck rolled into the square, an army of people appeared and started setting up for what appeared to be a wedding reception. Lots of folding tables being set up, a food serving area being assembled, and decorations and table settings being deployed. Even spotted what looked like the bride and groom strolling down an alley.

Dinner on the roof was very nice, although we were all pretty beat. Stopped to pick up gifts that had been wrapped for travel by the shopkeeper, paused for one last gelato, and returned to the apartment, did final packing rituals, and to bed.

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